Forteza Fitness


Getting our History Geek-On: Reconstructing a Trial by Combat

This past weekend Greg Mele, Jesse Kulla and David Farrel of the Chicago Swordplay Guild were at the International Medievalists Conference in Kalamazoo, Michigan, to present a reconstruction of an early 15th century Judicial Duel in conjunction with members of the living history group La Belle Compagnie. There will be a full write up and video of the event on the Chicago Swordplay Guild website in the days to come, but for now, here are a few teasers:

The First Step: Duel with Spears

The duel began with spears, fought to five blows, afterwhich, if no advantage was reached, the combatants would turn to swords.

Part Tw: A Short Exchange of Sword Blows

Having failed to gain an advantage with the spear, the combatants turn to swords. Note that the fighting in closed visors begins to takes its toll on the fighters’ wind…. (And note that the less-winded is the one who is a regular part of FightingFit!)

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The Bartitsu School of Arms 2013: Beamish Museum, UK.

Forteza Bartitsu instructor Tony Wolf will be joining the teaching staff at the third annual Bartitsu School of Arms event, taking place at the Victorian/Edwardian themed Beamish living history museum near Newcastle, UK.

The School of Arms will be held over the weekend of September 14/15.

See for all details about this event.

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